

5分钟阅读 | 2024年1月10日
As 集装箱运输 undergoes its digital trade transition, digital identity is a pivotal element. A digital identity functions as an online representation for individuals, 组织或设备, 在数字领域唯一地识别和验证他们. 数字身份的验证, 作为这个重要的网络代表, 是一个重要的业务流程吗. Its significance extends beyond mitigating risks such as data breaches and identity fraud, 它还有助于业务精简,因为:
  • Digital identity verification allows for faster and more accurate processes. 自动检查发货人的身份, consignees and other stakeholders can reduce manual efforts and expedite onboarding procedures
  • 数字身份实现了向无纸化文档的过渡. 电子识别和认证简化了创建, 核实和处理装运单据, 减少文书工作, 最大限度地减少错误和加快文档工作流程
  • Digital identity integration with tracking systems enables real-time visibility into the movement of goods. 这种透明度有助于优化物流, 改进路线规划,加强整体供应链管理.
在航运业, the verification of your counterpart’s digital identity takes on additional importance, 特别是在制裁检查方面. These checks aim to identify and prevent transactions involving entities or individuals under sanctions or restrictions imposed by governments or international organisations. In 2020, the US Office of Foreign Assets Control (OFAC) issued a global advisory, encouraging those involved in transportation or trade in the maritime sector to conduct due diligence on documents suggesting cargo to and from high-risk areas for sanctions evasion.这个咨询, 还有来自不同管理机构的几个人, has expanded the scope of due diligence beyond mere paperwork compliance. Compliance teams are now tasked with assessing the risk profiles of all parties on the 电子提单(eBL) 符合不断发展的法规. This includes continuous checks of digital identities that might have become sanctioned.  承担责任, the shipping industry can safeguard itself from the economic repercussions of sanction evasion, 包括罚款和名誉损害.关于数字身份,承运人和托运人需要了解什么?Container carriers and shippers that exchange digital information with stakeholders must identify their communicating counterparts, 确认他们是他们声称的那个人, 并验证他们的数字身份. Authentication in this context requires processes to reconfirm the identity of someone or something using credentials. In security terms, this process is commonly referred to as KYC or Know Your Customer.KYC is a process that businesses use to verify the identity of their partners or customers. 然而, 特别是在集装箱航运业, KYC可能涉及对更多实体的验证. 在别人, 这包括托运人和收货人, 货运代理, 航运公司、承运人和金融机构. 验证所有这些实体的所有身份 网络安全 推理是一个重要且持续的过程. But, in the context of the 集装箱运输 industry, KYC is crucial for several more reasons:高效的操作: KYC processes can streamline operations by ensuring that all necessary information about customers and partners is collected and verified continuously. This helps in reducing delays, errors and uncertainties in the shipping process法规遵从性: many countries have regulations in place to prevent illegal activities such as money laundering, 资助恐怖主义和违反制裁. 航运业受这些规定的约束, KYC帮助企业确保遵守相关法律. Only continuous monitoring 什么水平的 data can ensure there are no violations. 例如, sanctions checks can result in the prohibition of dealings with counterparts previously granted clearance防止欺诈行为:通过验证客户和合作伙伴的身份, companies can prevent fraud and unauthorised access to sensitive information. 这在数字时代尤为重要, 交易和通信经常在网上进行的地方. 数据泄露可能发生在数字通信的所有端点. Only monitoring 什么水平的 data on an ongoing basis can ensure that information on file remains accurate风险管理: KYC processes are essential for assessing and managing risks associated with customers and partners. Understanding who is involved in a transaction or a shipment allows companies to evaluate potential risks and act appropriately to mitigate them. 对于被确定为高风险的客户, 可能需要加强尽职调查(EDD)程序. 这可能涉及对客户身份进行更深入的验证, 资金来源及经营活动.KYC not only creates efficiency and ensures compliance with international regulations, 它还促进了透明和可信赖的全球贸易环境, ultimately safeguarding the integrity of the 集装箱运输 industry.前方的道路集装箱航运业正处于风口浪尖 数字转换. 诸如 到2030年实现100%电子化 推动数字通信和网络的普及 标准 支持他们. 然而, 集装箱运输是一个多样化的生态系统:不同的风险偏好, levels of understanding and digital maturity make it difficult to develop a unified view 什么水平的 and digital identifiers. 不同的 定义 什么水平的, 旅程中使用的标识符, and the implementation of continuous checks also diversify the landscape.Actors in the shipping industry have developed risk frameworks and have implemented controls to safeguard against identity fraud and other breaches of 网络安全. 利益相关者将为此寻求监管指导和结构. 然而, there is no clear single regulator and a lack of prescriptive regulation covering all aspects of digital identification in 集装箱运输 interactions and transactions. 这就留下了模棱两可的空间,需要合作努力.永利皇宫app下载注册 is currently working on an industry-wide deep dive into this topic, to create a mutual understanding of what happens now in the industry and how industry parties interpret the applicable laws and regulations. 团队将欢迎您的想法和输入,所以请联系 (电子邮件保护) 参与其中.随着 海运业 经历数字化转型,它必须适应新的定义, 持续检查和制裁监控. 在接下来的文章中, we will take a closer look at the benefits of having a unified view on digital identity and how to improve efficiency based on services and best practices already available. We will also look at what the future 什么水平的 might hold and what it means for the 集装箱运输 industry.To take part in 永利皇宫app下载注册’s industry deep dive into digital identity management in 集装箱运输, 联系 (电子邮件保护). You can also 联系 the 永利皇宫app下载注册 team with any other questions and stay up to date with news and the industry’s progress towards digital trade by subscribing to our community. 



迪克·德克斯(迪克Dekkers)是永利皇宫app下载注册的数字身份主管, 他将其广泛的数字身份解决方案专业知识应用于何处. 自2009年以来, Dekkers has been integral to the development of identity verification products, 数字签名, 以及行业标准的创建. 他与政府的合作工作, 监管机构, and trade organisations has contributed significantly to 标准 and interoperability within this sector.